
Example of Arguments

Selasa, 04 Desember 2012

Examples of arguments denied the euthanasia in Indonesia

Should euthanasia is not allowed in Indonesia. Because euthanasia is the same case with murder and it is strictly forbidden on Indonesia. In the Indonesian criminal code article 344 of the Criminal Code that eliminates explained that the lives of others by intentionally criminal will be punished for at least 12 years in prison. Although the article does not mention euthanasia directly, but euthanasia can be categorized as an act of violations of Article. Although in Indonesia, many foreign nationals in the country may be allowed that there is euthanasia, but they were in Indonesia and must comply with all existing laws in the country. All religions in Indonesia also forbids the removal drir lives of others as well as themselves.

Example of Argument

Selasa, 27 November 2012

Example of Argument : Brown Rice for Diabetics

Very good for diabetics to consume brown rice than white rice. This is because brown rice has a lower glycemic index than white rice. The glycemic index is a number given to a food to determine how high the food increase blood sugar levels after consumption. Brown rice also contains higher fiber than white rice. Fiber can slow the entry of glucose into the blood. Besides brown rice also contains more vitamins and minerals than white rice.
Researchers from the Harvard School of Public Health suggests that brown rice is only little increase blood sugar levels in the body than white rice. Research at Louisiana State University, USA, also said that brown rice contains fiber which works to lower bad cholesterol (LDL), inhibits atherosclerosis, and also plays a role in controlling blood sugar levels in the body, so it is good for diabetics.
According to another opinion, besides brown rice, white rice can also be replaced by potatoes. For the same weight, the calories in potato is only 1/4 the calories of bread. Potatoes are very low in fat, the fat content of 1/20 of that in the wheat. If the potatoes boiled, potatoes have a higher protein than corn flour and calcium availability increased almost two-fold. But the potatoes in Indonesia has a glycemic index 93, so much worse than rice. Therefore, potatoes obviously not good for diabetics. In equal portions, fries has more calories than the boiled potatoes. Sliced ​​potatoes in a package that has long been frozen also reduced nutrition value, especially if it is given a flavor enhancer and preservative.


Senin, 05 November 2012

Chapter 7 : Making Good Arguments

In a research report, we often find the arguments presented by both researchers and readers. Basically we unknowingly often argued in everyday conversation, but most of these arguments lead to the debate.
Argument is a claim made ​​by someone because he believes that it is true and it is a new thing to be said in order to change the way other people on a matter, which must be supported by true reasons and evidence.
Argument is a claim made ​​by someone because he believes that it is true and it is a new thing to be said in order to change the way other people on a matter, which must be supported by reasons and evidence are true.
For the researchers argument can be used as a medium of communication with readers. Each argument is built on five basic questions, such as:
1. What is my claim?
2. What Reasons support my claim?
3. What evidence supports my Reasons?
4. Do I acknowledge alternatives / Complications / objections, and how do I respond?
5. What makes my Reasons principle relevant to my claim? (We call this principle a warrant.)
Above we mentioned that the argument must be supported by reasons and evidence. The reason is a statement that can make others accept your claim. Meanwhile evidence is the underlying reason that you created.

In a research report, there is a process of "thickening" argument which is one of way in which the researcher to get the trust of the reader. Readers evaluate arguments not only with the facts in the offer, but how well researchers anticipate their arguments.

Summary of Our Lesson

Kamis, 18 Oktober 2012

Summary of Our Lesson : “Methodology of Research”
Wednesday, October 17th, 2012

In the last lesson we have discussed about the steps to write research reports, including introduction, background and problem statement.
In writing the research report, after making the problem statement the next thing to do is to write motivation of research. Motivation consists of the goals and benefits of research.
Research purpose can be determined through problem statement that has been made ​​before, see the following example :

Problem Statement
1.      How far …….?
2.      Is …….?
3.      What percent …..?
1.      Knowing level of influence .......
2.      Produce information ........
3.      Resultant value ..........

The purpose of the research is to find an answer. But if there is a research that aims to solve a problem, the implementation of these studies should be accompanied by an experiment.
Benefits of the research is the contribution of the research results to the community, especially in the fields of education and science.
In doing a research there are some things to avoid, such as:
  Ø  Research biased
  Ø  Use extreme words
              ü  All
              ü  No
              ü  Never
              ü  Always
              ü  sure,
              ü  Etc.
  Ø  genderisasi


Selasa, 09 Oktober 2012

Chapter 1 : Research, Researchers and Readers

A researcher not only find out things that have never been there but it should also be able to develop the research that has been there before either was the result of his own research and the research of other investigators. In addition based on the quality of research, a good researcher should also be able to evaluate and report the results of his research in an honest, accurate and clear so as to be understood by the reader. As we begin to learn how to do research, we will also learn to evaluate research that others have done realistically.
To start a research project, a researcher has at least two types of plans, namely : (1) Plans that help them prepare for the research and (2) a plan to help them make these research reports. Sometimes, a researcher would change the plan that has been made in the study if he gets problems or discover new things in his research, not least the discerning researcher.
Without us knowing we have done various types of research every day. But we never write or publish it because we are not aware of the new things we've found.
By writing we will remember what we have read, to understand what we read with our own words, and can pour ideas we have into a post.
Many people think about what the researchers write research findings in a report. Actually writing the report does not just aim to publish the results of a study but also that the results of these studies can be developed in the future, it can also be useful for all parties.
Writing research reports should be made formally because writing has been recognized in the world so anyone who reads it will be able to understand the results of these studies.

Kamis, 27 September 2012

The lack of Raw Materials in the PT. growth Steel

1. Introduction
PT. Growth Steel is a one of  steel processing factory in Medan. The quality of processed steel produced very good. This factory production to distribute goods to Jakarta and Bali, and even abroad. But the last few months of this factory  have a shortage of raw materials for production.

2. Background
According to the flow of information, lack of raw materials is caused due to several factors, among others :
a. Delays in delivery of raw materials
b. The rising price of raw materials

3.  Problem formulation
How to solve the problem of shortage of raw materials?